An Anomalous Legal Decision

How to Cite

BLASBAND, R. A. (1). An Anomalous Legal Decision. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 22(4). Retrieved from


In 2003 the Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) of the State of California brought a complaint against Dr. Gloria Dodd for what they alleged was false advertising for the use of homeopathic remedies and the use of radionic devices for the diagnosis and non-local treatment of animals.  Unsatisfied with Dodd’s compliance the VMB brought the case to court in 2006. There, through in absentia testimony as to Dodd’s abilities and my testimony as to the evidence for non-local man-machine interaction and remote viewing and the failure of the complainants to rebut our evidence Dodd was almost completely vindicated.  Full vindication came with our appeal to a superior court, which permitted Dodd to continue to practice without the need to personally examine her animal patients.  If sustained through appeal by the VMB the case might serve as a precedent for all practitioners of non-local healing.

Keywords: radionic treatment—Veterinary Medical Board—legal decision


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