Survey of the Observed Excess Energy and Emissions in Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions

How to Cite

Swartz, M. R. (1). Survey of the Observed Excess Energy and Emissions in Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 23(4). Retrieved from


Lattice assisted nuclear reactions (LANR) are real, and offer a clean, efficient potential new source of energy production. Two decades of LANR R&D have confirmed excess heat production, and other clearly nuclear phenomena, using electrolysis and other gas loading techniques. Requirements for success
include incubation time, high loading of >90% PdDx, and other requisite conditions difficult to achieve. Several types of LANR now exist, as well as LANR metamaterials, and several types of triggering and control methods. In LANR, excess heat and helium-4 are the usual products, but charged particles, tritium,
and the sequelae of neutrons can be sometimes detected. Excess power gains up to 200–400%+ have been reported. Given the prevalence of the fuel, and the incredible efficiency, LANR could be an important revolutionary technology.

Keywords: palladium—excess heat—lattice assisted nuclear reactions—deuterium—deuterons—loading—flux—excess power gain—optimal operating point


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