Another Cryptogram in "Shakespeare's" Dedication to His Sonnets


Edward de Vere

How to Cite

Walach, H. (2021). Another Cryptogram in "Shakespeare’s" Dedication to His Sonnets. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 35(1), 129-131.


I read with great interest the paper by Peter Sturrock and Kathleen Erickson (Sturrock & Erickson, 2020) on the Dedication in Shakespeare’s Sonnets. I am neither a scholar of literature, nor of Shakespeare, and I do not want to enter the fray as to who was the author of Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays. But I must confess that I found the arguments presented by Sturrock and Erickson intriguing. It is in that vein I would like to communicate an interesting finding. On page 302, Figure 21, of their paper, they present the Dedication of the Sonnets as a grid of 12 x 12 letters. This was done under the assumption that cryptograms can be deciphered better if they are laid out in a certain format. They then present the message they assume is contained there: “PRO PARE VOTIS EMERITER” as a devotion of Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford to his supposed friend, the Earl of Southampton, Henry Wriothesley. I find this a possible meaning. My experience with Latin texts – based on a translation of a medieval mystical writer from Latin into German and the reading of many original Latin texts, mainly from the middle ages and beyond (Hugo de Balma, 2017; Walach, 1994, 2010) – let another sequence jump out at me:


The translation would read:

"If it becomes miraculously obvious [who I am], I retire."

That this is a reference of the proposed author, Edward de Vere, to himself would become clear from the double use of “vero”.
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