The Development and Phenomena of a Circle for Physical Mediumship

How to Cite

Nahm, M. (2014). The Development and Phenomena of a Circle for Physical Mediumship. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 28(2). Retrieved from


The present paper describes the development and the phenomena of a circle for physical mediumship, based predominantly on my own observations. Over the course of four and a half years, I have participated in 21 sittings. Typical phenomena include unusual movements of a table, raps on the room walls and the ceiling, various luminous and psychokinetic phenomena, the generation of supposed ectoplasm, and apports. I will describe the controls applied during the sittings and my personal involvement in accompanying the development of the phenomena, and explain why I finally arrived at the conclusion that considerable parts of the phenomena were produced by fraudulent means.
Keywords: Physical mediumship - raps - psychokinesis - ectoplasm - apports - circle - fraud


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