Book Reviews

How to Cite

SHELDRAKE, R., LEVIN, M., HAMILTON, A. J., CHAITIN, G., DOSSEY, L., GROSSO, M., MARKS, R., OGDEN, D., RUBIK, B., SCHMICKER, M., TART, C. T., BAUER, H. H., LEITER, L. D., & WILLIAMS, B. J. (1). Book Reviews. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 23(4). Retrieved from


The Metamorphosis of Plants, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, by Rupert Sheldrake

The Science of Leonardo: Inside the Mind of the Great Genius of the Renaissance by Fritjof Capra, by Rupert Sheldrake

Quantum Aspects of Life, edited by Derek Abbott, Paul C. W. Davies, and Arun K. Pati, by Michael Levin

Medicine, Miracles, & Manifestations: A Doctor’s Journey
through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death
Experience, and Universal Energy, by John L. Turner, by Allan J. Hamilton

Parsing the Turing Test: Philosophical and Methodological
Issues in the Quest for the Thinking Computer, edited by Robert Epstein, Gary Roberts, and Grace Beber, by Gregory Chaitin

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, by Malcolm
Gladwell, by Larry Dossey

The Seer in Ancient Greece, by Michael Attyah Flower MichaelGrosso

Astrology off the Beaten Track: A Scientifi c Study of Planets and Personality, by Suzel Fuzeau-Braesch Robert Marks

Haunted Greece and Rome: Ghost Stories from Classical Antiquity, by D. Felton, by Daniel Ogden

Life and Mind: In Search of the Physical Basis, edited by Savely
Savva, by Beverly Rubik

Parapsychology and the Skeptics: A Scientifi c Argument for the
Existence of ESP, by Chris Carter, by Michael Schmicker

Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter

Pilot, by Bruce Leininger, Andrea Leininger, and Ken Gross, by Charles T. Tart

Further Books of Note

Journal Review


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